**General Information** ======================= This section explains the following aspects: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 versions sso ../glossary usability - :ref:`Browsers` - :ref:`Roles and Permissions` - :ref:`Data Model and Terms` -------------------- .. _Browsers: Browser Requirements -------------------- .. image:: ../img/general-information/firefox.png :align: left :scale: 70 % Version 52 and higher -------------------- .. image:: ../img/general-information/chrome.png :align: left :scale: 70 % Version 60 and higher -------------------- .. image:: ../img/general-information/safari.png :align: left :scale: 70 % Version 10 and higher -------------------- .. image:: ../img/general-information/msEdge.jpg :align: left :scale: 70 % Version 15 and higher (HTML Version) -------------------- .. image:: ../img/general-information/ie10.png :align: left :scale: 70 % Version 11 and higher. Version 9-10 is supported but with browser-based lower speed and limitations in usability. -------------------- .. _Roles and Permissions: Roles and Permissions --------------------- Three distinct user roles are supported, which can only be assigned and modified by the administrator in charge. |image5| .. index:: !System Administrator System Administrator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This role defines system configurations and settings and creates new administrator accounts. It is only granted to a few persons in charge of system maintenance and configuration. | **Permissions:** Highest level of permissions | **Visible tiles:** User Management & System Configuration | **System Configuration includes:** | - Feeder Configuration - Language Configuration - Object Configuration - Admin Management - Role Management - Feeder Documentation .. index:: !Administrator Administrator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This role can adjust company-specific system settings and set up new standard administrator accounts. This right is granted to the responsible feeder coordinator of a company. | **Permissions:** Medium level of permissions | **Visible tiles:** User Management & System Configuration | **System Configuration includes:** | - Language Configuration - Admin Management - Role Management - Feeder Documentation .. index:: !Standard User Standard User ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This role manages user data (add / delete / import users etc.) and has no access to system configuration. | **Permissions:** Basiclevel of permissions | **Visible tiles:** User Management only ---- .. index:: !Data Model .. _Data Model and Terms: Data Model and Terms -------------------- The Pentos Feeder uses so-called “data objects� to structure user data. Multiple objects can be created and maintained in the system. Each object is described by multiple "attributes", which are grouped by "categories". |image6| .. index:: List View Moreover, data entries (employees) within an object (SF\_User object) are structured by means of so-called **list views**. |image7| .. |image5| image:: ../img/general-information/user_roles.png .. |image6| image:: ../img/general-information/config_items.png .. |image7| image:: ../img/general-information/list_view.png