
Admin Management
Feature to manage or assign user credentials to work with the Pentos Feeder middleware.
Second of three primary roles. Can access the Language Configuration, Admin Management, Role Management and the Feeder Documentation. Has global rights except for (de-)activating schedules.
Will appear as a data field in the frontend if not flagged “hidden”. Otherwise data type and input rules realize high data quality.
Attribute Choices
Feature to quickly modify options of drop down or selection boxes. Exporting attribute choices will provide a profound csv file, which is likely to be re-imported after changes.
Attribute Visualization
Feature to realize visual display of e.g. the filling state of an employee entry. Involves freely chosable icons of the JQuery ThemeRoller. Sometimes also refered to as “iconized attrubute” in this documentation.
Automatic Importing
Denotes an active import schedule within a defined import setting.
Refers to the Pentos Feeder System Configuration.
Possibility to group and structure thematically coherent data fields in the frontend view.
Complex Criteria
Addresses scripting usually in JSON syntax.
Refers to a syntax to define import or export schedules in the way [SEC MIN HOUR DayOfMonth MONTH DayOfWeek YEAR]. Example for noon: 0 0 12 * * ?
Stands for “Comma-separated values”. This file format is used to import and export employees. Please pay special attention to the prefered encoding (UTF-8) as well as used comma separator.
Data Model
Refers to the implemented logic of data objects within the Feeder and specifies dependencies of attributes.
Defined Role
Refers to user roles defined within the Role Management feature.
In accordance to the choice of a particular attribute value, the available choices of a second (dependent) attribute will be determined.
Export Setting
Amongst others, it is here where a Feeder user - in particular an administrator - can define contents of the exported csv file.
Feeder Configuration
Feature where basic indications for import, export and time slices are made.
Feeder Documentation
Will open the profound online Pentos Feeder documentation, which you are currently viewing :)
Internal variable.
  • 129, when an employee record is complete, this means that all required (mandatory) fields were filled.
  • 32, when the employee record is an incomplete potential duplicate.
  • 33, when the record is a complete potential duplicate. After validation the state will change to 129.
Provides users with quick insight into employee data. It is freely configurable and applicable. Please consider, that only administrators can save filters. The wording active filter refers to the state, when a filter was selected which changed the display of records in a list view.
Flags / Flagging
Refers to attributes with certain tickable properties. E.g. hidden, calculated or trim. Only relevant for administrators within the Feeder Configuration.
Refers to the User Management (tile).
Global Data
Term to describe the entire employee data within the Pentos Feeder.
Describes Feeder users with a limited scope of data. Therefore users have to be assigned. Visibility of data is set by means of criteria.
Group Scope
Data that users of a group are allowed to view.
Import Setting
It is here where Feeder users - in particular administrators - need to define the data mapping applied to the (to-be-imported) csv file.
JQuery ThemeRoller
Feature by JQuery. Allows to pick particular icons to use when realizing an attribute visualization.
“JavaScript Object Notation”
Language Configuration
Provides administrators with the ability to translate any string, button or label within the Pentos Feeder interface.
List View
Refers to a global view of objects or attributes configured in the Pentos Feeder.
Manual Importing
Depicts the non-automatic process of importing, where a Feeder user clicks several buttons.
Mapping by Header
Can be used if headers in the Pentos Feeder are identical with the headers in the target system or the import csv file.
Mapping by Script
Involves scripting in JavaScript. In use if headers are non-identic or need special handling.
Internal variable. Informs of when an employee entry was last modified.
Number Pattern
Is indicated by hash keys, zeros, commas and semicolons. Hashs signify that a value is possible but not necessary, zeros effect a digit filled with “0” if not indicated or left empty. Examples are #0 or 00 or #,##0.# or #,##0.0. The standard pattern is #,##0.#/D./G,, where the symbol behind “D” determines the digit separator and behind “G” the so called group separator. The default pattern thus formats a number in Amercian syntax like 1,234,567.89
Object Configuration
Within this feature, the entire backend logics of the Pentos Feeder are determined.
Object Type
Data field expects the name of an object, in case that multiple data objects were configured in the Feeder.
Object/Data Object
Mapping or collection of various attributes identifying a single thing or person. Will appear on the Feeder workspace, if provided with an image.
Operations within an import setting are New”, *Update, Overwrite and determine how to process data at import.
Primary Role
Chosen when a new Feeder user is set up in the system (within the Admin Management). Three roles are available: System Administrator (System Admin), Administrator (Admin), Standard User.
Written in JSON, will filter data at export.
Data type field of an attribute, which will reference values configured in the other data object.
Limits the visibility into data of a defined or customized role.
Role (customized)
Generally enables admins to manage the visibility of data. Addresses the (visibility) rights of at least one attribute. Has to contain at least one group to be effective.
Role Management
Provides administrators with the possibility to fine-tune visibility and access rights.
Simple Criteria
Query arguments for e.g. filtering employees, that are given in the frontend (e.g. through type ahead or the simple query builder feature).
Standard User
Basic role of the Pentos Feeder. This role can only see and modify data, but not change the actual Feeder configuration.
System Administrator
Highest level of permissions. Can modify everything and even change the Feeder configuration. The only role that can activate or deactivate schedules.
System Configuration
Comprised of Feeder Configuration, Language Configuration, System Configuration, Admin Management, Role Management and the Feeder Documentation (tile).
Technical Name
When creating a new attribute, the Name field defines the technical name used in the program backend. Use the translation text box right next to it to change the label or appearance of this attribute in the frontend.
Visual representation of the central Feeder features (Feeder Configuration, Language Configuration, System Configuration, Admin Management, Role Management, Feeder Documentation) or of configured data objects.
Traffic Light
Visual information of a category within the frontend about the filling states of mandatory attributes.
User Management
Refers to the Feeder frontend where employee data is processed.
Start screen of the program after logging in.